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Index Entry  Section

.NET: Programming Languages

access control list (ACL): Access Control List---ACL
access control list (ACL): Security (1)
access key ID: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
access keys: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
access permission: Security (1)
access points: S3 Access Points
access policy: Access Control List---ACL
access policy options: Security (1)
access, restrict: Overview of Serving Private Content
access, restrict: Overview of Serving Private Content
access, restrict using custom headers: Overview of Serving Private Content
access_key_id: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
ACL (access control list): Access Control List---ACL
ACL (access control list): Security (1)
administrator user: IAM User Guide (1)
AdministratorAccess policy: IAM User Guide (1)
Administrators group: IAM User Guide (1)
alias resource record set: Using Custom URLs
alternate domain name: How You Set Up CloudFront to Deliver Content
alternate domain name: Using Custom URLs
alternate domain name: Customizing the URL Format for Files in CloudFront
alternate domain name (CNAME): Using Custom URLs
Amazon Web Services (AWS): Amazon Web Services
Amplify: Integrate Cognito with Applications
Amplify Authentication: AWS Amplify authentication for JavaScript
Amplify framework: Integrate Cognito with Applications
Angular: Integrate Cognito with Applications
anonymous callback function: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
asynchronous calls: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
authenticate: Security Credentials
authentication: Cognito
authentication: Integrate Cognito with Applications
authentication: AWS Amplify authentication for JavaScript
authentication APIs: AWS Amplify authentication for JavaScript
authentication server: User Pool Auth API
authentication server: User Pool Auth API
authorization: Cognito
authorization code: User Pool Auth API
authorization code grant: User Pool Auth API
authorization endpoint: User Pool Auth API
authorization server: Cross-Site Request Forgery---CSRF
authorize: Security Credentials
AWS (Amazon Web Services): Amazon Web Services
AWS global namespace: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
AWS Management Console: Virtual Private Cloud---VPC
aws-shell: aws-shell
AWS.Config: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
AWS.Config: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
AWS.Config constructor: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
AWS.Config, global configuration object: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
AWS.config.credentials: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
AWS.config.loadFromPath(): Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
AWS.config.region property: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
AWS.Config.update(): Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
AWS.Request object: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
AWS.Request object event listener: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
AWS.Request.promise() method: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
AWS.Response object: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
AWS_PROFILE environment variable: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG environment variable: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG environment variable: Step 1---Configure Your Credentials
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
AWS_SESSION_TOKEN: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript

bash: Command Line Interface---Getting Started
bind: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
browser JavaScript: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
bucket policy: Security (1)
bucket policy: Security (1)
buckets: S3 Features

C++: Programming Languages
cache behavior settings: Creating Updating and Deleting Distributions
callback function: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
CDN: CloudFront
certificate format: Using Alternate Domain Names and HTTPS
chain event listeners: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
CLI (Command Line Interface): Command Line Interface
CLI (Command Line Interface): Command Line Interface---Getting Started
CLI tool: Tool type
client classes: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
CloudFront: CloudFront
cloudfront api reference: CLI CloudFront Command Reference
CloudFront distribution: Working with Distributions
CloudFront distribution, create: How You Set Up CloudFront to Deliver Content
CloudFront distributions, overview: Overview of Distributions
CloudFront domain name: Customizing the URL Format for Files in CloudFront
CloudFront getting started: Getting Started with CloudFront
CloudFront URLs: Serving Private Content using CloudFront
CloudFront, configure: How You Set Up CloudFront to Deliver Content
CloudFront, edge location: Edge location
CloudFront, getting started: Getting Started with CloudFront
CloudFront, origin: Origin
CloudFront, simple distribution: Getting Started with CloudFront
CloudFront, ways to access: Accessing CloudFront (1)
CNAME (alternate domain name): Using Custom URLs
Cognito: Cognito
Cognito API reference: Cognito API Reference
Cognito developer guide: Cognito Developer Guide
Cognito documentation: Cognito Documentation
Command Line Interface (CLI): Command Line Interface
Command Line Interface (CLI): Command Line Interface---Getting Started
Command Line Interface reference: CLI Command Reference
complete event: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
config file, shared: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
config.json configuration file: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
configuration, JS SDK: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
configure JS SDK: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
configure SDK for JS: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
content delivery network (CDN): CloudFront
Content-Type header field: Adding and Accessing Content That CloudFront Distributes
corporate firewall: Virtual Private Cloud---VPC
corporate network: Virtual Private Cloud---VPC
CORS: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
createReadStream() method: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
credential environment variables: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
credential provider: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
credential provider: Configuration Settings and Precedence
credentials: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
credentials: Step 1---Configure Your Credentials
credentials file, shared: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
credentials in Node.js: Setting Credentials in Nodejs (1)
credentials, loading in Node.js: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
credentials, set: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
cross-site request forgery: Cross-Site Request Forgery---CSRF
CSRF: Cross-Site Request Forgery---CSRF
custom headers: Creating Updating and Deleting Distributions
custom headers: Overview of Serving Private Content
custom headers: Overview of Serving Private Content
custom origin: How You Set Up CloudFront to Deliver Content

data parameter: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
data property: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
default ACL: Security (1)
default services: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
DevOps tool: Tool type
dig: Using Custom URLs
distribution, CloudFront: Working with Distributions
distribution, required fileds: Overview of Distributions
distributions limit: Overview of Distributions
Documentation: AWS Documentation
domain information groper (dig): Using Custom URLs
domain name: How You Set Up CloudFront to Deliver Content
domain name, origin: Step 2---Create a CloudFront Distribution

edge location: Edge location
edge location: How You Set Up CloudFront to Deliver Content
edge location: What CloudFront Is (1)
edge location: What CloudFront Is (1)
edge server: How You Set Up CloudFront to Deliver Content
edge server: What CloudFront Is (1)
endpoint: Service Endpoints
endpoints, search: View the Service Endpoints
error event: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
error object: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
error parameter: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
event listener: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript

filters: s3
FIPS endpoints: FIPs Endpoints
fragment: User Pool Auth API

getCredentials() static method of AWS.config: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
global configuration: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
global configuration object: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
global configuration object: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
Go: Programming Languages
group, administrators: IAM User Guide (1)
groups: Security (1)
gzip: Serving Compressed Files

help, aws command: CLI Command Reference
HTTP protocol: User Pool Auth API
HTTP, raw: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
HTTPS, alternate domain name: Using Custom URLs

IaaS: Command Line Interface---Getting Started
IAM: Identity and Access Management---IAM
IDE toolkits: Tool type
Identity and Access Management: Identity and Access Management---IAM
identity pools: Cognito
Ionic: Integrate Cognito with Applications
IPsec VPN: Virtual Private Cloud---VPC

Java: Programming Languages
Java SDK: SDKs
JavaScript: Programming Languages
JavaScript SDK: SDKs
JSON configuration file: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript

key pair: Overview of Serving Private Content

Lambda@Edge: Customizing with Lambda Edge
latency: What CloudFront Is (1)
LocalPath: s3
logger: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
login endpoint: User Pool Auth API
login screen: User Pool Auth API
login webpage: User Pool Auth API

manage access: Security (1)
metadata tags: S3 Features
MIME type: Adding and Accessing Content That CloudFront Distributes
Mobile SDKs: Tool type
Mobile tools: Tool type
monitoring tools: Tool type

network access control lists: Virtual Private Cloud---VPC
Node.js: Programming Languages
Node.js SDK: SDKs

OAI (origin access identity): Overview of Serving Private Content
objects: S3 Features
objects: How You Set Up CloudFront to Deliver Content
Organizational Unit: Organizational Unit---OU
organizations: Organizations
organizations Service Control Policy: Organizations Service Control Policy---SCP
origin: Origin
origin: What CloudFront Is (1)
origin access identity: Overview of Serving Private Content
origin access identity (OAI): Overview of Serving Private Content
origin custom headers: Creating Updating and Deleting Distributions
origin domain name: Creating Updating and Deleting Distributions
origin domain name: Step 2---Create a CloudFront Distribution
origin id: Creating Updating and Deleting Distributions
origin path: Creating Updating and Deleting Distributions
origin path: Step 2---Create a CloudFront Distribution
origin server: How You Set Up CloudFront to Deliver Content
origin settings: Creating Updating and Deleting Distributions
OU: Organizational Unit---OU

package.json: Step 2---Create the Package JSON for the Project
parameters: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
path argument type: s3
path pattern: Creating Updating and Deleting Distributions
path pattern: Step 2---Create a CloudFront Distribution
permisions: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
permissions, grant: Step 1---Upload Your Content to Amazon S3 and Grant Object Permissions
permissions, grant, managing: Access Control List---ACL
PHP: Programming Languages
PKCE authorization code grant: User Pool Auth API
points of presence (POPs): How You Set Up CloudFront to Deliver Content
policy, AdministratorAccess: IAM User Guide (1)
POPs (points of presence): How You Set Up CloudFront to Deliver Content
prcess.env.AWS_PROFILE: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
private: Step 1---Upload Your Content to Amazon S3 and Grant Object Permissions
private content feature: Step 1---Upload Your Content to Amazon S3 and Grant Object Permissions
private content feature: Step 1---Upload Your Content to Amazon S3 and Grant Object Permissions
private key: Specifying Your Trusted Signers
products: Products
profiles: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
promise: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
public read access, allow: Step 1---Upload Your Content to Amazon S3 and Grant Object Permissions
Python: Programming Languages
Python SDK: SDKs

query string: User Pool Auth API
quota, distributions: Overview of Distributions

raw HTTP stream: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
React: Integrate Cognito with Applications
React Native: Integrate Cognito with Applications
Region: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
region property: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
Regional endpoints: Regional Endpoints
Regionn, set: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
Regions: Regional Endpoints
Regions and Endpoints: Quickly Configuring the AWS CLI
request-response pattern: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
required fields, distributions: Overview of Distributions
resource owner: Security (1)
restrict access: Overview of Serving Private Content
restrict access, custom headers: Overview of Serving Private Content
role: Using an IAM Role in the AWS CLI
root credentials: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
root user: IAM User Guide (1)
root user credentials: Root User Credentials
RSA public/private key pairs: Using Alternate Domain Names and HTTPS
RSA-SHA1: Overview of Serving Private Content
Ruby: Programming Languages
Ruby SDK: SDKs

s3 API: s3
S3Uri: s3
SCP: Organizations Service Control Policy---SCP
SDK package: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
secret access key: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
secret_access_key: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
secure access, CloudFront: Configuring Secure Access and Limiting Access to Content
security credentials: Security Credentials
security groups: Virtual Private Cloud---VPC
send() method: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
service configuration: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
service endpoint: Service Endpoints
service interface objects: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
service object: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
service object configuration: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
service objects: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
service-level configuration: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
service-specific configuration: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
services, access by SDK: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
shared config file: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
shared credentials file: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
shared credentials file: Configuring the SDK for JavaScript
shared credentials file: Step 1---Configure Your Credentials
: User Pool Auth API
sign-up: User Pool Auth API
signed cookies: Serving Private Content using CloudFront
signed cookies: Overview of Serving Private Content
signed URLs: Serving Private Content using CloudFront
signed URLs: Overview of Serving Private Content
SSH: Command Line Interface---Getting Started
SSL/TLS certificate: Customizing the URL Format for Files in CloudFront
state: User Pool Auth API
static website: s3
storage classes: Storage Classes
stream: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
subresource: Security (1)
success event: Working with Services in the SDK for JavaScript
synopsis: CLI Command Reference

tcsh: Command Line Interface---Getting Started
token grant with openid scope: User Pool Auth API
token grant without openid scope: User Pool Auth API
tools: Tool type
tracing tools: Tool type
trusted signer: Specifying Your Trusted Signers
tutorials: JavaScript SDK Tutorials

update distribution, required fields: Overview of Distributions
US East (N. Virginia): Using Alternate Domain Names and HTTPS
user authentication: AWS Amplify authentication for JavaScript
user management: Cognito
user policy: Security (1)
user policy: Security (1)
user pools: Cognito

Virtual Private Cloud: Virtual Private Cloud---VPC
VPC: Virtual Private Cloud---VPC
Vue: Integrate Cognito with Applications

website: s3

X.509 PEM format: Using Alternate Domain Names and HTTPS

zsh: Command Line Interface---Getting Started

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