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6.5.5 Moving by S-Expression

CommandKey BindingPurpose
forward-sexpC-M-fMove forward by sexp
backward-sexpC-M-bMove backward by sexp
<ESC> C-d
up-listMove forward out of one level of parentheses
backward-up-listC-M-uMove up out of a list
down-listC-M-dMove down into list
just like ‘up-list’, but with a negated argument
forward-listC-M=nMove forward to next list ‘(..)
backward-listC-M=pMove backward to previous list

is a Lisp term that covers a wide range of commands that operate on balanced expressions.

balanced expressions

can span multiple lines; can consist of:


are balanced expressions that begin and end with ‘"’ or ‘'’.


are balanced expressions that have defined open and close characters:

  • [ ]
  • ( )
  • { }
  • < >