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6.5.6 Moving by Defun

CommandKey BindingPurposeCurent Value
beginning of defunC-M-aMove to beginning of defun
end-of-defunC-M-eMove to end of defun
defun-prompt-regexpUser option; what text can
can appear before the open-paren
that starts a defun
open-paren-in-columnn-0-is-defun-startVariable; open paren in col 0 is defunsrc_emacs_lisp{open-paren-in-column-0-is-defun-start}
beginning-of-defun-functionFunction to find beginning of a defun
end-of-defun-functionFunction to find end of defun

The defun commands move to the logical beginning or end of the function point is in. ‘function’ is really a rather loose term.