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5.16.1 CLSQL

CLSQL is a Common Lisp interface to SQL databases. A number of Common Lisp implementations and SQL databases are supported. The general structure of CLSQL is based on the CommonSQL package by LispWorks Ltd.

CLSQL is a Database interface that can access a number of different SQL database engines. It also includes a CLOS ORM. It is maintained by Kevin Rosenberg. CLSQL now includes the CommonSQL API interface.

In summary, the CLSQL package is quite easy to work with and allows you to use a mixture of functional and OO approaches in working with relational data. It provides high-performing native access to the underlying databases (as well as ODBC access as either an alternative or as a means to access databases that are not supported with a native API). Kevin Rosenberg (and contributors) are to be commended for an excellent package!

Bill Clementson

CLSQL is the gold standard of SQL interface libraries on Common Lisp, and is, as you’d expect, large and complex, with various embedded languages. I’d rather not carry around all the extra code this implies with my system. Further, it doesn’t support CMUCL/PPC, because CMUCL on PPC doesn’t have multiprocessing.

Randall Squared