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1.7.2 Build CLASP

MacOS installation of dependencies

While Clasp requires a specific release of llvm and does not use the Xcode version, it does use Xcode files. You will need to first install Homebrew.

  1. brew install cmake llvm@6 libffi bdw-gc gmp boost libunwind-headers sbcl
  2. git clone
  3. If on mojave, after reinstalling xcode execute (from the gui):
    • /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg to get the headers in /usr/include/
  4. cd clasp
  5. ./waf configure; if ./waf configure fails, see hint in linux instructions.
  6. ./waf build_cboehm

The executables will be in clasp/build/boehm/cclasp-boehm and clasp/build/mps/cclasp-mps