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Creating Multiple Profiles

If you use the command shown in the previous section, the result is a single profile named ‘default’. You can create additional configurations that you can refer to with a name by specifying the --profile option and assigning a name.

$ aws configure --profile produser

Then, when you run a command, you can omit the @texinfo:@option{–profile} option and use the credentials and settings stored in the ‘default’ profile.

$ aws s3 ls

Or you can specify a --profile profilename and use the credentials and settings stored under that name.

$ aws s3 ls --profile produser

To update any of your settings, simply run aws configure again (with or without the @texinfo:@option{–profile} parameter, depending on which profile you want to update) and enter new values as appropriate. The next sections contain more information about the files that aws configure creates, additional settings, and named profiles.