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1.5.1 Benefits

Fast & global

The Amazon CloudFront content delivery network (CDN) is massively scaled and globally distributed. The CloudFront network has 210 points of presence (PoPs), and leverages the highly-resilient Amazon backbone network for superior performance and availability for your end users.

Security at the Edge

Amazon CloudFront is a highly-secure CDN that provides both network and application level protection. Your traffic and applications benefit through a variety of built-in protections such as AWS Shield Standard, at no additional cost. You can also use configurable features such as AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) to create and manage custom SSL certificates at no extra cost.

Highly programmable

Amazon CloudFront features can be customized for your specific application requirements. ‘Lambda@Edge’ functions, triggered by CloudFront events, extend your custom code across AWS locations worldwide, allowing you to move even complex application logic closer to your end users to improve responsiveness. The CDN also supports integrations with other tools and automation interfaces for today’s DevOps and CI/CD environments by using native APIs or AWS tools.

Deep integration with AWS

Amazon CloudFront is integrated with AWS services such as Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon Route 53, and AWS Elemental Media Services. They are all accessible via the same console and all features in the CDN can be programmatically configured by using APIs or the AWS Management Console.