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About This Document

This Readme should be tangled and included in all git commits. It’s purpose is to provide an introduction to viewers of the source code on GitHub.

Using the ABSTRACT Entry

Each Readme should also provide an ‘ABSTRACT’ entry for use by the sync command. Each Org source file in a group of related .info blogs produces a directory of linked HTML files via the make html command (which runs makeinfo --html <project>.texi). The directory of linked HTML files is uploaded by the AWS make sync command into a separate directory of the chosen AWS bucket for this group of related .info blogs. Given a bucket name project, and an .info blog named all-about-something, with a version number of v0.1.2, the group of HTML files will be uploaded to an AWS bucket that can be accessed like so:


At the same time, the code running the make sync command will copy the text from the ‘ABSTRACT’ section of the Readme and create a directory at the domain level of the AWS bucket linking to the current version of the index.html of this subproject. The ‘ABSTRACT’ entry will provide some context in the directory at the domain level, allowing the viewer to peruse the list of .info blogs and choose one based on its context. In other words, by opening the project domain at:


the user will see a list of all related subprojects which link directly to the most recently uploaded version.