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B.3 Switch Emacs Init

This script allows the user to switch into using a different Emacs initialization setup. The script first lists the currently-selected initialization setup, then it lists the available initialization setups, then requests the user’s choice. After obtaining the choice, it changes the symbolic link in ‘~/.emacs.d’ to that chosen by the user. Emacs is then killed and restarted using the desktop-save feature.

Each initialization setup is a complete ‘~/.emacs.d’ subtree, which must be set up by the user, with its name given after a dash, such as ‘~/.emacs.d-original’ or ‘~/.emacs.d-cfbt’ (“Clojure for the Brave and True”).

printf "${GREEN}"
ls -l ~/.emacs.d | cut -f 12- -d ' '
printf "${CLEAR}"
select choice in $(ls -1d ~/.emacs.d-*) "abort"
    echo -n 'You chose '
    printf " ${B_YELLOW}${F_BLACK}$choice${CLEAR}  "
    [[ $choice = "abort" ]] && exit 0
    rm ~/.emacs.d
    printf "${CYAN}"
    ln -vs $choice ~/.emacs.d
    printf "${RED}"
    read -N 1 -p "Restart Emacs now? (y/n) "
    printf "${CLEAR}\n"
    [[ $REPLY =~ y|Y ]] || { echo "Not restarting"; break; }
    echo "Restarting..."
    emacsclient --eval '(progn (desktop-save "~/.emacs.d-original/")(kill-emacs))'
/Applications/MacPorts/ --eval '(progn (server-start)(desktop-read "~/.emacs.d-original/"))' &