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"GitHub OAuth App authentication for JavaScript: implements one of GitHub’s authentication strategies."

It implements authentication using an OAuth app’s

Load @octokit/auth-oauth-app directly from

<script type="module"> import { createOAuthAppAuth } from ""; </script>

In Node.js, install with

npm install @octokit/auth-oauth-app
const { createOAuthAppAuth } = require("@octokit/auth-oauth-app");
// or:
import { createOAuthAppAuth } from "@octokit/auth-oauth-app";

Client ID’ and ‘secret’ can be passed as ‘Basic auth’ in the ‘Authorization’ header in order to get a higher rate limit compared to unauthenticated requests. This is meant for the use on servers only.

  1. Create OAuth App Auth Method

    The createOAuthAppAuth(options) method accepts a single ‘options’ parameter with the following possible keys:


    (string) Required Find your OAuth app’s Client ID in your account’s developer settings.


    (string) Required Find your OAuth app’s Client Secret in your account’s developer settings.


    (string) The authorization code which was passed as query parameter to the callback URL from the OAuth web application flow.


    (string) The URL in your application where users are sent after authorization. See redirect urls.


    (string) The unguessable random string you provided in Step 1 of the OAuth web application flow.


    (function) You can pass in your own @octokit/request instance.

  2. Auth Method

    The async auth(options) method returned by createOAuthAppAuth(options) accepts the following options:


    (string) Required "oauth-app" or "token"


    (string) Only relevant if ‘options.type’ is set to "token". The authorization code which was passed as query parameter to the callback URL from the OAuth web application flow. Defaults to what was set in the strategy options.


    (string) Only relevant if ‘options.type’ is set to "token". The URL in your application where users are sent after authorization. See redirect urls. Defaults to what was set in the strategy options.


    (string) Only relevant if ‘options.type’ is set to "token". The unguessable random string you provided in Step 1 of the OAuth web application flow. Defaults to what was set in the strategy options.

  3. Authentication Object

    The async auth(options) method returns one of two possible authentication objects.

    1. OAuth authentication’ if ‘clientId’ and ‘clientSecret’ options were passed.
    2. OAuth access token authentication’ if ‘code’ option was passed.
    1. OAuth Authentication

      (string) "oauth-app"


      (string) The client ID as passed to the constructor.


      (string) The client secret as passed to the constructor.


      (object) ‘{ authorization }

    2. OAuth access token authentication

      (string) "token"


      (string) The personal access token


      (string) "oauth"


      ([strings]) array of scope names enabled for the token

  4. Auth Hook

    auth.hook() hooks directly into the ‘request’ life cycle. It amends the ‘request’ to authenticate correctly based on the ‘request’ URL.

    The ‘request’ option is an instance of @octokit/request. The ‘route/options’ parameters are the same as for the request() method.

    auth.hook() can be called directly to send an authenticated ‘request’.

    const { data: user } = await auth.hook(request, "GET /user");

    Or it can be passed as option to request().

    const requestWithAuth = request.defaults({
      request: {
        hook: auth.hook,
    const { data: user } = await requestWithAuth("GET /user");

    auth.hook will set the correct ‘Authentication’ header automatically based on the ‘request’ URL.

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