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1.12.3 Publishing Commands and Options


This produces and puts it in the publishing directory.

Set ‘:htmlized-source’ to ‘t’ to get an htmlized version of this file


Other files like images only need to be copied to the publishing destination via this function.


For non-Org files, you always need to specify the ‘:publishing-function’: Function executing the publication of a file. This may also be a list of functions, which are all called in turn. The function should take the specified file, make the necessary transformation, if any, and place the result into the destination folder.

The function must accept three arguments:

  1. a property list containing at least a ‘:publishing-directory’ property
  2. the name of the file to be published
  3. the path to the publishing directory of the output file

Non-nil means, publish htmlized source.

Export Options

The property list can be used to set many export options for the HTML and LaTeX exporters. In most cases, these properties correspond to user variables in Org. When a property is given a value in org-publish-project-alist, its setting overrides the value of the corresponding user variable, if any, during publishing. Options set within a file override everything.

Export Options

Publishing Links

To create a link from one Org file to another, use:

‘[[][The foo]]’

When published, this link becomes a link to ‘foo.html’. If you also publish the Org source file and want to link to it, use an ‘http’ link instead of a ‘file:’ link. You may also link to related files, such as images.

links between published documents can contain some search option:

Site Map

The following properties may be used to control publishing of a map of files for a given project.

Site Map


Org mode can generate an index across the files of a publishing project.


When non-nil, generate an index in the file and publish it as theindex.html. The file only contains a statement

#+INCLUDE: ""’.

You can then build around this include statement by adding a title, style information, etc.

INDEX’ Keyword

Index entries are specified with ‘INDEX’ keyword. An entry that contains an exclamation mark creates a sub item.

*** Curriculum Vitae
#+INDEX: Application!CV

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