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1.11 Property


A property is a key-value pair associated with an entry.

Depending on how one is set up, it can be associated with (see org-use-property-inheritance):

  • a single entry or
  • with a tree, or
  • with every entry in a file.

When they are associated with a single entry or with a tree they need to be inserted into a special drawer with the name ‘PROPERTIES’.

If you want to set properties that can be inherited by any entry in a file, use a line like:

#+PROPERTY: var foo=1
  • Define allowed values for a property by setting a property ‘something_ALL:value1 value2’ for it or set the variable org-global-propertiers. It is inherited. The values are space-delimited list entries:
    #+PROPERTY:something_ALL value1 value2
  • To add to the value of an existing property, append ‘+’ to the property name:
    #+PROPERTY: var+ bar=2

    It is also possible to add to the values of inherited properties:

    :Genres+: additional value
Property Syntax

Like a tag, a property is delimited on both ends by colons, so this is a property: ‘:A_PROPERTY:Some value’. The key portion is case-insensitive. A property can have only one entry per property drawer.

*** A Heading
    :Title:    value
    :Composer: value
    :Artist:   value
Property Commands
  • C-c C-x p(org-set-property): Set a property with prompts for name and value. A property drawer is created if necessary.
  • C-u M-x org-insert-drawer’: Insert a property drawer into the current entry.

Default value is ‘nil’.

When ‘nil’, only the properties directly given in the current entry count.

Non-‘nil’ means properties apply also for sublevels.

When ‘t’, every property is inherited.

The value may also be a list of properties that should have inheritance, or a regular expression matching properties that should be inherited.

However, note that some special properties use inheritance under special circumstances (not in searches). Examples are

  • COLUMNS, and the properties ending in "_ALL" when they are used as descriptor for valid values of a property.

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