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An element defines syntactical parts that are at the same level as a paragraph, i.e. which cannot contain or be included in a paragraph.

Variable: org-element-all-elements

A variable defined in org-element.el. It contains a complete list of element types.

Its value is:

babel-call center-block clock comment comment-block diary-sexp drawer dynamic-block
example-block export-block fixed-width footnote-definition headline horizontal-rule
inlinetask item keyword latex-environment node-property paragraph plain-list
planning property-drawer quote-block section special-block src-block table table-row

Elements cannot contain any other element.

Only keywords whose name belongs to org-element-document-properties, verse blocks , paragraphs and table rows can contain objects.

  1. Babel Call
  2. Center Block
  3. Clock, Diary Sexp and Planning
  5. Fixed Width Areas
  6. Horizontal Rules
  7. Horizontal Rules
  8. LaTeX Environments
  9. Node Properties
  10. Paragraphs
  11. Table Rows