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You love those themes, but you still would like to override particular HTML tags? Some examples do follow…

Before doing that, though, if you think it really is an improvement that could server other persons as well, including me, you’re invited to submit your change…

  1. Change the background code blocks

    Here’s an example to insert into your Org documents:

    # Change the background of source block.
    #+HTML_HEAD: <style>pre.src{background:#343131;color:white;} </style>
  2. Unset body width limit of ReadTheOrg

    Solution provided by Malcolm Cook:

    #+HTML_HEAD: <style> #content{max-width:1800px;}</style>
    #+HTML_HEAD: <style> p{max-width:800px;}</style>
    #+HTML_HEAD: <style> li{max-width:800px;}</style