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2.7.2 Code Evaluation


Variable ‘confirm before evaluation’. Require confirmation before interactively evaluating code blocks in Org buffers. The default value of this variable is ‘t’, meaning confirmation is required for any code block evaluation. Set to ‘nil’ to turn off confirmation prompts before code evaluation. Current value is ‘nil’.

This variable can also be set to a function which takes two arguments:

  1. the language of the code block; and
  2. the body of the code block.

Such a function should then return a non-‘nil’ value if the user should be prompted for execution or ‘nil’ if no prompt is required. Each source code language can be handled separately through this function argument.


Remove code block evaluation from the ‘C-c C-c’ key binding. Default value is ‘nil’, meaning retain the key binding.


Non-‘nil’ means ask for confirmation before executing shell links.


Just change it to ‘y-or-n-p’ if you want to confirm with a single keystroke rather than having to type "yes". It’s current value is yes-or-no-p.


Non-‘nil’ means ask for confirmation before executing Emacs Lisp links.


Just change it to ‘y-or-n-p’ if you want to confirm with a single keystroke rather than having to type "yes".