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If you have changed a buffer but do not wish to save the changes, you should take some action to prevent it. Otherwise, each time you use ‘C-x s’ or ‘C-x C-c’, you are liable to save this buffer by mistake. One thing you can do is type ‘M-~’ (not-modified), which clears out the indication that the buffer is modified. If you do this, none of the save commands will believe that the buffer needs to be saved. (‘~’ is often used as a mathematical symbol for “not”; thus ‘M-~’ is “not”, metafied.)

Function: not-modified &optional ARG

This function is for interactive use only; in Lisp code use set-buffer-modified-p instead.

Mark current buffer as unmodified, not needing to be saved.

With prefix ARG, mark buffer as modified, so C-x C-s will save.