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D.1 Printed Representation

printed representation

The printed representation of an object is the format of the output generated by the Lisp printer, prin1, for that object. Every data type has a unique printed representation.

read syntax

The “read syntax” of an object is the format of the input accepted by the Lisp reader (the function read) for that object. In most cases, an object’s printed representation is also a read syntax for the object, but some types have no read syntax. See (elisp)Special Read Syntax.

hash notation

Objects without read syntax are printed in “hash notation”, ‘#<type-name object-name>’. Hash notation cannot be read at all. The Lisp reader will signal an ‘invalid-read-syntax’ error whenever it encounters ‘#<’.


In Lisp, an expression is primarily a Lisp object and only secondarily the text that is the object’s read syntax.


When one evaluates an expression interactively, the Lisp interpreter first reads the textual representation of it, producing a Lisp object, and then evaluates that object. See (elisp)Evaluation. Evaluation and reading are separate activities. Reading returns the Lisp object represented by the text that is read; the object may or may not be evaluated later.

See [[(elisp)Input

Functions][Input Functions]] for a description of read, the basic function for reading objects.