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6.5.2 Moving by Line

CommandKey BindingPurpose
beginning-of-lineC-a’ / ‘<home>Beginning of line
end-of-lineC-e’ / ‘<end>End of line
back-to-indentationM-mFirst character on line
forward-lineMove N lines forward (no error)
Return COUNT of lines left to move
vertical-motionMoves point to start of the screen line
line-beginning-positionReturn char pos of first character
line-end-positionReturn char pos of last character
count-linesReturn no. lines between START and END
line-number-at-posReturn line number of posotion POS
bolpReturn t if point is at the beginning of a line
eolpReturn t if point point is at the end of a line

Text lines are portions of the buffer delimited by ‘newline’ characters. ‘newline’ characters are regarded as part of the previous line.

The first text line begins at the beginning of the buffer, and the last text line ends at the end of the buffer, whether or not the last character is a newline.