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4.3.4 Custom Themes

This section summarizes some information from

The following variable is user-customizable:

Installed Color Themes

To see a list of installed color themes, and to try them out, use:

Install Color Themes using Package Manager

To install a theme with the package manager, look for themes in the list. Most have the suffix ‘-theme’, and they act and install like normal packages.

Install New Color Themes by Hand

There are more available for free from Emacs’s package manager or sites like Github. To install new themes by hand, add ‘THEME’.el files to your custom-theme-directory and then issue the forgoing customize-themes command or alternatively, add the following theme command to your init file:

(load-theme 'theme t)

You can override specific colors you don’t like by using the regular ‘Customize’ interface described in The Customize Interface. Changes made in the ‘Customize’ interface take precedence over the themes.