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E.3.3 Basic Sequence Functions

Function: length sequence

This function returns the number of elements in SEQUENCE.

*Note Definition of safe-length::, for the related function ‘safe-length’.

See also ‘string-bytes’, in *note Text Representations.

Function: safe-length list

This function returns the length of LIST, with no risk of either an error or an infinite loop. If LIST is not ‘nil’ or a cons cell, ‘safe-length’ returns 0.

Function: copy-sequence seqr

This function returns a copy of SEQR, which should be either a sequence or a record. The copy is the same type of object as the original, and it has the same elements in the same order.

The elements of the copy are not copies; they are identical (‘eq’) to the elements of the original. Changes made within these elements, as found via the copy, are also visible in the original.

If the argument is a string with text properties, the property list in the copy is itself a copy, not shared with the original’s property list. However, the actual values of the properties are shared

This function does not work for dotted lists.

See also ‘append’ in *note Building Lists::, ‘concat’ in *note Creating Strings::, and ‘vconcat’ in *note Vector Functions::, for other ways to copy sequences.

Function: reverse sequence

This function creates a new sequence whose elements are the elements of SEQUENCE, but in reverse order. The original argument SEQUENCE is not altered.

Function: nreverse sequence

This function reverses the order of the elements of SEQUENCE. Unlike ‘reverse’ the original SEQUENCE may be modified. To avoid confusion, we usually store the result of ‘nreverse’ back in the same variable which held the original list:

(setq x (nreverse x))

For the vector, it is even simpler because you don’t need setq:

(setq x (copy-sequence [1 2 3 4]))
(nreverse x)

Note that unlike ‘reverse’, this function doesn’t work with strings. Although you can alter string data by using ‘aset’, it is strongly encouraged to treat strings as immutable even when they are mutable.

Function: sort sequence predicate

This function sorts SEQUENCE stably; it may be used only for lists and vectors. If SEQUENCE is a list, it is modified destructively. It compares elements using PREDICATE. A stable sort is one in which elements with equal sort keys maintain their relative order before and after the sort. Stability is important when successive sorts are used to order elements according to different criteria.

Save the result of ‘sort’ and use that. Most often we store the result back into the variable that held the original list:

(setq nums (sort nums #'<))


The argument PREDICATE must be a function that accepts two arguments. It is called with two elements of SEQUENCE. To get an increasing order sort, the PREDICATE should return non-‘nil’ if the first element is “less” than the second, or ‘nil’ if not.

The comparison function PREDICATE must give reliable results for any given pair of arguments, at least within a single call to ‘sort’. It must be “antisymmetric”; that is, if A is less than B, B must not be less than A. It must be “transitive”—that is, if A is less than B, and B is less than C, then A must be less than C. If you use a comparison function which does not meet these requirements, the result of ‘sort’ is unpredictable.


The destructive aspect of ‘sort’ for lists is that it rearranges the cons cells forming SEQUENCE by changing CDRs. A nondestructive sort function would create new cons cells to store the elements in their sorted order. If you wish to make a sorted copy without destroying the original, copy it first with ‘copy-sequence’ and then sort.

*Note Sorting, for more functions that perform sorting. See ‘documentation’ in *note Accessing Documentation::, for a useful example of ‘sort’.

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