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install MELPA and ORG repositories
  2. (add-to-list ’package-archives (cons "melpa" "") t)
  4. (add-to-list 'package-archives (cons "org" "") t)
Set Default Frame Size
(setq default-frame-alist '((top . 10) (left . 10) (width . 300) (height . 150)))
Inhibit the Startup Screen
  1. M-x customize-group RET Initialization group
  2. Inhibit Startup Screen: “t”
Set Mac Command key to Emacs Meta
  1. M-x customize-group RET ns
  2. Ns Command Modifier: “meta”
  3. Ns Alternate Modified: “No modifier”
Set Global line number mode and column number mode
  1. M-x customize-group RET global-linum
  2. Global Linum Mode: “t”
  3. M-x customize-group RET mode-line
  4. Column Number Mode: “t”
Set Show Paren mode
  1. M-x customize-group RET paren matching
Set show-trailing-whitespace
  1. M-x customize-group RET Editing Basics
  2. Show Trailing Whitespace: “t”
Set Electricity Group
  1. M-x customize-group RET electricity
Set Icomplete mode
  1. M-x customize-group RET Icomplete
  2. Icomplete mode: “t”
Set up Calendar date style to ISO (for Org-mode time stamps)
  1. M-x customize-group RET Calendar group
  2. Calendar Date Style: ISO