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17.30 strptime

“An Emacs dynamic module for strptime(3)”

Emacs provides format-time-string which is basically a wrapper of strftime(3). strptime(3) is the converse of strftime(3), however Emacs doesn’t have a wrapper of it, hence this module.

(strptime "2020-04-01" "%Y-%m-%d")
;; => (0 0 0 1 4 2020 3 nil 0)

(strptime "2020-04-01T07:39:26+0800" "%FT%T%z")
;; => (26 39 7 1 4 2020 3 nil 28800)

(strptime "2020-04-XX" "%Y-%m-%d")
;; error→ STRING and FORMAT not match: "2020-04-XX", "%Y-%m-%d"