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  1. SQLite connect
    (defvar *connection*
      (dbi:connect :sqlite3
                   :database-name "/home/gt/test.sqlite3"))
  2. MySQL connect
    (defvar *connection*
      (dbi:connect :mysql
                   :database-name "test"
                   :username "nobody"
                   :password "1234"))
  3. Usage—with-connection
    (dbi:with-connection (conn :sqlite3 :database-name "/home/fukamachi/test.db")
      (let* ((query (dbi:prepare conn "SELECT * FROM People"))
             (query (dbi:execute query)))
        (loop for row = (dbi:fetch query)
              while row
              do (format t "~A~%" row))))
  4. Executing a Query
    (let* ((query (dbi:prepare *connection*
                               "SELECT * FROM somewhere WHERE flag = ? OR updated_at > ?"))
           (query (dbi:execute query (list 0 "2011-11-01"))))
      (loop for row = (dbi:fetch query)
            while row
            ;; process "row".
    ;; Do it all at once
    (dbi:fetch-all (dbi:execute (dbi:prepare *connection* "SELECT * FROM somewhere WHERE flag = ? OR updated_at > ?")
                                (list 0 "2011-11-01")))

    dbi:do-sql is another option that prepares and executes a single statement. It returns the number of rows affected. It’s typically used for non-SELECT statements.

    (dbi:do-sql *connection*
                "INSERT INTO somewhere (flag, updated_at) VALUES (?, NOW())"
                (list 0))
    ;=> 1