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7.1 Terminology


not a bug, but rather something occurring that may stop a piece of code from running: a file is missing, a disk is full, a server has crashed, the network is down. However, if the rest of the program is depending on the actions that were going to be taken, then you’d better deal with the error somehow or you will have introduced a bug. So, errors aren’t caused by bugs, but neglecting to handle an error is almost certainly a bug.

call stack

In a well-written program, each function is a black box hiding its inner workings. Programs are then built out of layers of functions: high-level functions are built on top of the lower-level functions, and so on. This hierarchy of functionality manifests itself at runtime in the form of the call stack: if high calls medium, which calls low, when the flow of control is in low, it’s also still in medium and high, that is, they’re still on the call stack.

Function boundaries are an excellent place to deal with errors. If any of the functions in the call stack can somehow do their job despite underlying errors, then none of the functions above it needs to know there was a problem.

error handling

In most languages, errors are handled by returning from a failing function and giving the caller the choice of either recovering or failing itself. Some languages use the normal function return mechanism, while languages with exceptions return control by throwing or raising an exception.

Both schemes suffer from a common flaw: while searching for a function that can recover, the stack unwinds, which means code that might recover has to do so without the context of what the lower-level code was trying to do when the error actually occurred.


The primitive signaling function SIGNAL implements the mechanism of searching for an applicable condition handler and invoking its handler function.

The reason a handler can decline to handle a condition by returning normally is because the call to the handler function is just a regular function call–when the handler returns, control passes back to SIGNAL, which then looks for another, less recently bound handler that can handle the condition. If SIGNAL runs out of condition handlers before the condition is handled, it also returns normally.


A condition is an object whose class indicates the general nature of the condition and whose instance data carries information about the details of the particular circumstances that lead to the condition being signaled.

A condition is a lot like an exception in Java or Python except not all conditions represent an error or exceptional situation.

define-condition macro

Condition classes are defined with the DEFINE-CONDITION macro. The default superclass of classes defined with DEFINE-CONDITION is ‘CONDITION’ rather than ‘STANDARD-OBJECT’.


New condition objects are created with MAKE-CONDITION rather than MAKE-INSTANCE.

condition handler

When a condition is signaled, the signaling machinery looks through a list of active condition handlers, looking for a handler that can handle the condition being signaled based on the condition’s class. Each condition handler consists of a type specifier indicating what types of conditions it can handle and a function that takes a single argument, the condition

At any given moment there can be many active condition handlers established at various levels of the call stack. When a condition is signaled, the signaling machinery finds the most recently established handler whose type specifier is compatible with the condition being signaled and calls its function, passing it the condition object.

The handler function can then choose whether to handle the condition.

  • The function can decline to handle the condition by simply returning normally, in which case control returns to the SIGNAL function, which will search for the next most recently established handler with a compatible type specifier.
  • To handle the condition, the function must transfer control out of SIGNAL via a nonlocal exit.
handler-case condition handler

Many condition handlers simply want to unwind the stack to the place where they were established and then run some code. The macro HANDLER-CASE establishes this kind of condition handler.

ERROR’ class

When using the condition system for error handling, you should define your conditions as subclasses of ‘ERROR’, a subclass of ‘CONDITION’.

error function

You signal errors with the function ERROR, which calls the lower-level function SIGNAL and drops into the debugger if the condition isn’t handled.

You can call ERROR two ways: you can pass it an already instantiated condition object, or you can pass it the name of the condition class and any initargs needed to construct a new condition, and it will instantiate the condition for you.

if SIGNAL returns, ERROR invokes the debugger by calling the function stored in *DEBUGGER-HOOK*. Thus, a call to ERROR can never return normally; the condition must be handled either by a condition handler or in the debugger.


You place code that actually recovers from errors into restarts, and condition handlers can then handle a condition by invoking an appropriate restart. You can place restart code in mid- or low-level functions, while moving the condition handlers into the upper levels of the application


To change parse-log-file so it establishes a restart instead of a condition handler, you can change the HANDLER-CASE to a RESTART-CASE.

The advantage of establishing a restart rather than having parse-log-file handle the error directly is it makes parse-log-file usable in more situations.


Another condition signaling function, an example of a different kind of protocol built on the condition system. WARN calls SIGNAL to signal a condition. But if SIGNAL returns, WARN doesn’t invoke the debugger–it prints the condition to ‘*ERROR-OUTPUT*’ and returns ‘NIL’, allowing its caller to proceed.


WARN also establishes a restart, MUFFLE-WARNING, around the call to SIGNAL that can be used by a condition handler to make WARN return without printing anything.


A third error-signaling function, CERROR, provides yet another protocol. Like ERROR, CERROR will drop you into the debugger if the condition it signals isn’t handled. But like WARN, it establishes a restart before it signals the condition. The restart, CONTINUE, causes CERROR to return normally–if the restart is invoked by a condition handler, it will keep you out of the debugger altogether. Otherwise, you can use the restart once you’re in the debugger to resume the computation immediately after the call to CERROR. The function CONTINUE finds and invokes the CONTINUE restart if it’s available and returns ‘NIL’ otherwise.

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