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1.3.1 Running CCL

You should have a directory on your system named ccl. This directory is called the ccl directory.


Clozure CL is made up of two parts:

the lisp kernel

The binary executable program that implements the lowest levels of the Lisp system.

a heap image

The in-memory state of a running Lisp system, containing functions, data structures, variables, and so on. Also, a file containing archived versions of these data in a format that can be loaded and reconstituted by the Lisp lisp kernel.

When the lisp kernel starts up, it locates the heap image, maps it into memory, and starts running the lisp code contained in the image. In the ccl directory, you will find pre-built lisp kernel executables and heap images for your platform. The heap images have the same basename as the corresponding lisp kernel, but with an added .image suffix.

By default, the lisp kernel will look for a heap image with an appropriate name in the same directory that the lisp kernel itself is in. Thus, it is possible to start Clozure CL simply by running ./dx86cl64 (or whatever the appropriate binary is called) directly from the ccl directory.

OS X x86, x86-64
  • dx86cl, dx86cl.image
  • dx86cl64, dx86cl64.image

If you always run Clozure CL from Emacs, it is sufficient to use the full pathname of the lisp kernel binary directly. That is, in your Emacs init file, you could write something like:

(setq inferior-lisp-program "/opt/local/share/ccl/1.12/dx86cl64")

or make the equivalent changes to ‘slime-lisp-implementations’, a list of known Lisp implementations of the form:


 :coding-system utf-8-unix))

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