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7.2.4 Restarts

The condition system lets you do this by splitting the error handling code into two parts.

  1. You place code that actually recovers from errors into restarts, and
  2. condition handlers can then handle a condition by invoking an appropriate restart.

You can place restart code in mid- or low-level functions, such as parse-log-file or parse-log-entry, while moving the condition handlers into the upper levels of the application.

To change parse-log-file so it establishes a restart instead of a condition handler, you can change the HANDLER-CASE to a RESTART-CASE.

The form of RESTART-CASE is quite similar to a HANDLER-CASE except the names of restarts are just names, not necessarily the names of condition types.

In general, a restart name should:

In parse-log-file, you can call the restart skip-log-entry since that’s what it does. The new version will look like this:

(defun parse-log-file (file)
  (with-open-file (in file :direction :input)
    (loop for text = (read-line in nil nil) while text
       for entry = (restart-case (parse-log-entry text)
                     (skip-log-entry () nil))
       when entry collect it)))

If you invoke this version of parse-log-file on a log file containing corrupted entries, it won’t handle the error directly; you’ll end up in the debugger. However, there among the various restarts presented by the debugger will be one called skip-log-entry, which, if you choose it, will cause parse-log-file to continue on its way as before. To avoid ending up in the debugger, you can establish a condition handler that invokes the skip-log-entry restart automatically.

The advantage of establishing a restart rather than having parse-log-file handle the error directly is it makes parse-log-file usable in more situations. The higher-level code that invokes parse-log-file doesn’t have to invoke the skip-log-entry restart. It can choose to handle the error at a higher level. Or, as I’ll show in the next section, you can add restarts to parse-log-entry to provide other recovery strategies, and then condition handlers can choose which strategy they want to use.

Here is how to set up a condition handler that will invoke the skip-log-entry restart. You can set up the handler anywhere in the chain of calls leading to parse-log-file. This may be quite high up in your application, not necessarily in parse-log-file’s direct caller.

For instance, suppose the main entry point to your application is a function, log-analyzer, that finds a bunch of logs and analyzes them with the function analyze-log, which eventually leads to a call to parse-log-file. Without any error handling, it might look like this:

(defun log-analyzer ()
  (dolist (log (find-all-logs))
    (analyze-log log)))

The job of analyze-log is to call, directly or indirectly, parse-log-file and then do something with the list of log entries returned. An extremely simple version might look like this:

(defun analyze-log (log)
  (dolist (entry (parse-log-file log))
    (analyze-entry entry)))

where the function analyze-entry is presumably responsible for extracting whatever information you care about from each log entry and stashing it away somewhere.

Thus, the path from the top-level function, log-analyzer, to parse-log-entry, which actually signals an error, is as follows:


Assuming you always want to skip malformed log entries, you could change this function to establish a condition handler that invokes the skip-log-entry restart for you. However, you can’t use HANDLER-CASE to establish the condition handler because then the stack would be unwound to the function where the HANDLER-CASE appears.

Instead, you need to use the lower-level macro HANDLER-BIND. The basic form of HANDLER-BIND is as follows:

(handler-bind (binding*) form*)

where each binding is a list of a condition type and a handler function of one argument. After the handler bindings, the body of the HANDLER-BIND can contain any number of forms.

The call to INVOKE-RESTART will find and invoke the most recently bound restart with the given name. So you can add a handler to log-analyzer that will invoke the skip-log-entry restart established in parse-log-file like this:

(defun log-analyzer ()
  (handler-bind ((malformed-log-entry-error
                  #'(lambda (c)
                      (invoke-restart 'skip-log-entry))))
    (dolist (log (find-all-logs))
      (analyze-log log))))

In this HANDLER-BIND, the handler function is an anonymous function that invokes the restart skip-log-entry.

You could also define a named function that does the same thing and bind it instead. In fact, a common practice when defining a restart is to define a function, with the same name and taking a single argument, the condition, that invokes the eponymous restart. Such functions are called restart functions.

You could define a restart function for skip-log-entry like this:

(defun skip-log-entry (c)
  (invoke-restart 'skip-log-entry))

Then you could change the definition of log-analyzer to this:

(defun log-analyzer ()
  (handler-bind ((malformed-log-entry-error #'skip-log-entry))
    (dolist (log (find-all-logs))
      (analyze-log log))))

As written, the skip-log-entry restart function assumes that a skip-log-entry restart has been established. If a !malformed-log-entry-error~ is ever signaled by code called from log-analyzer without a skip-log-entry having been established, the call to INVOKE-RESTART will signal a ‘CONTROL-ERROR’ when it fails to find the skip-log-entry restart.

If you want to allow for the possibility that a ‘malformed-log-entry-error’ might be signaled from code that doesn’t have a skip-log-entry restart established, you could change the skip-log-entry function to this:

(defun skip-log-entry (c)
  (let ((restart (find-restart 'skip-log-entry)))
    (when restart (invoke-restart restart))))

FIND-RESTART looks for a restart with a given name and returns an object representing the restart if the restart is found and NIL if not. You can invoke the restart by passing the restart object to INVOKE-RESTART. Thus, when skip-log-entry is bound with HANDLER-BIND, it will handle the condition by invoking the skip-log-entry restart if one is available and otherwise will return normally, giving other condition handlers, bound higher on the stack, a chance to handle the condition.

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