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2.4.2 QuickLisp Load

To load Quicklisp into your Common Lisp session after the initial installation, (unless add-to-init-file has been run) load the file setup.lisp:

(load "~/quicklisp/setup.lisp")

To load software, use:

(ql:quickload "system-name")

Quicklisp will automatically download any supporting software it needs to load the system.

By default, ql:quickload hides most compilation and loading output, including warnings, and shows progess as a series of dots. You can show full compilation and loading output by passing ‘:verbose t’ as arguments to ql:quickload. This output can be especially helpful when reporting and troubleshooting problems. There is also a ‘:silent t’ mode.

(ql:quickload “system-name” :verbose t)
(ql:quickload "system-name" :silent t)

ASDF Manifest File


now includes systems from the local-projects directories.