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CLPM can be customized by placing a file named customize-target-features.lisp-expr in the root of the repo with a single lambda form in it that takes a list of features and returns a modified feature list.

For example, to disable Dexador support, use the following form:

(lambda (features)
  (flet ((enable (feature)
           (pushnew feature features))
         (disable (feature)
           (setf features (remove feature features))))
    (declare (ignorable #'enable #'disable))
    (disable :clpm-dexador))

Build and Install

After cloning the repo and checking out the version you want, ensure the submodules are up to date (git submodule init and git submodule update) and run:

sbcl --script scripts/build-release.lisp

This will place a release tarball in the releases/dynamic/ folder that you can unpack and install as above.

Alternatively, you can build only the exectuable using the scripts/build.lisp script. This will place the executable in build/bin/.