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17.15 GNU Emacs Common Lisp Emulation

This file documents the GNU Emacs Common Lisp emulation package.

This document describes a set of Emacs Lisp facilities borrowed from Common Lisp. Common Lisp is a huge language, and Common Lisp systems tend to be massive and extremely complex. Emacs Lisp, by contrast, is rather minimalist in the choice of Lisp features it offers the programmer. As Emacs Lisp programmers have grown in number, and the applications they write have grown more ambitious, it has become clear that Emacs Lisp could benefit from many of the conveniences of Common Lisp.

The CL package adds a number of Common Lisp functions and control structures to Emacs Lisp. This package is distributed with Emacs, so there is no need to install any additional files in order to start using it.