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16.4.14 Functions as Objects

In Lisp, functions are regular objects, like symbols or strings or lists. If we give the name of a function to function, it will return the associated object. Like quote, function is a special operator, se we don’t have to quote the argument:

> (function +)
#<Compiled-Function + 17BA4E>

Until now we have only dealt with objects that look the same when Lisp displays them as when we typed them in. This convention does not apply to functions. Internally, a built-in function like ‘+’ is likely to be a segment of machine code. A Common Lisp implementation may choose whatever external representation it likes.

Just as we can use ‘’ as an abbreviation for quote, we can use ‘#’’ as an abbreviation for function:

> #’+
#<Compiled-Function + 17BA4E>

This abbreviation is known as shart-quote.

Like any other kind of object, we can pass functions as arguments. One function that takes a function as an argument is apply. It takes a function and a list of arguments for it, and returns the result of applying the function to the arguments:

> (apply #’+ ’(1 2 3))
> (+ 1 2 3)

It can be given any number of arguments, so long as the last is a list:

> (apply #’+ 1 2 ’(3 4 5))

The function funcall does the same thing but does not need the arguments to be packaged in a list:

> (funcall #’+ 1 2 3)

The defun macro creates a function and gives it a name. But functions don’t have to have names, and we don’t need defun to define them. We can refer to functions literally. To refer literally to a function, we use what’s called a lambda expression. A lambda expression is a list containing the symbol lambda, followed by a list of parameters, followed by a body of zero or more expressions.

Here is a lambda expression representing a function that takes two numbers and returns their sum:

(lambda (x y)
  (+ x y))

Like an ordinary function name, a lambda expression can be the first element of a function call,

> ((lambda (x) (+ x 100)) 1)

and by affixing a sharp-quote to a lambda expression, we get the corresponding function,

> (funcall #’(lambda (x) (+ x 100))

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