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Clojure provides command line tools for:

In all the above scenarios you might want to use other Clojure and Java libraries. These may be libraries you are writing locally, projects in git or libraries available in the Maven ecosystem and hosted by central repositories like Maven Central or Clojars.

Using a library involves:

Clojure tools specify a syntax and file (deps.edn) for (a), given which they’ll handle (b) and (c) automatically.

  1. Clojure REPL

    Start a ‘REPL’ by running the clj tool:

    $ clj
    Clojure 1.10.1

    Once in the ‘REPL’ you can type Clojure expressions and press enter to evaluate them. Type ‘Control-D’ to exit the ‘REPL’:

  2. Java Libraries

    There are many Clojure and Java libraries available that provide access to practically any functionality you might need. For example, consider the commonly used Clojure library clojure.java-time for working with dates and times.

    To work with this library, you need to declare it as a dependency so the tool can ensure it has been downloaded and add it to the classpath. The readme in most projects shows the name and version to use.

    • Create a deps.edn file to declare the dependency
    • Restart the ‘REPL’ with the clj tool
    • You will see messages about a library being downloaded the first time you use a dependency. Once the file is downloaded, it will be reused in the future.
    • You can use the same process to add other libraries to your deps.edn file and explore Clojure or Java libraries.
     {clojure.java-time/clojure.java-time {:mvn/version "0.3.2"}}}
    $ clj
    Downloading: clojure/java-time/clojure.java-time/0.3.2/clojure.java-time-0.3.2.pom from clojars
    Downloading: clojure/java-time/clojure.java-time/0.3.2/clojure.java-time-0.3.2.jar from clojars
    Clojure 1.10.1
    user=> (require '[java-time :as t])
    user=> (str (t/instant))
  3. Write a Clojure Program

    Create a new directory and copy the deps.edn file you created above into it:

    $ mkdir hello-world
    $ cp deps.edn hello-world
    $ cd hello-world
    $ mkdir src

    By default, the clj tool will look for source files in the src/ directory. Create src/hello.clj:

    (ns hello
      (:require [java-time :as t]))
    (defn time-str
      "Returns a string representation of a datetime in the local time zone."
        (t/with-zone (t/formatter "hh:mm a") (t/zone-id))
    (defn run [opts]
      (println "Hello world, the time is" (time-str (t/instant))))

    This program has an entry function run that can be executed by clj using ‘-X’:

    $ clj -X hello/run
    Hello world, the time is 10:53 PM
  4. Using a Local Library

    You might decide to move part of this application into a library. The clj tool uses local coordinates to support projects that exist only on your local disk.

    Let’s extract the java-time parts of this application out into a library in a parallel directory time-lib. The final structure will look something like this:

    ├── time-lib
    │   ├── deps.edn
    │   └── src
    │       └── hello_time.clj
    └── hello-world
        ├── deps.edn
        └── src
            └── hello.clj

    Under time-lib, use a copy of the deps.edn file you already have, and create a file src/hello_time.clj:

    (ns hello-time
      (:require [java-time :as t]))
    (defn now
      "Returns the current datetime"
    (defn time-str
      "Returns a string representation of a datetime in the local time zone."
        (t/with-zone (t/formatter "hh:mm a") (t/zone-id))

    Update the application at hello-world/src/hello.clj to use your library instead:

    (ns hello
      (:require [hello-time :as ht]))
    (defn run [opts]
      (println "Hello world, the time is" (ht/time-str (ht/now))))

    Modify hello-world/deps.edn to use a local coordinate that refers to the root directory of the time-lib library (make sure to update the path for your machine):

     {time-lib/time-lib {:local/root "../time-lib"}}}

    You can then test everything from the hello-world directory by running the application:

    $ clj -X hello/run
    Hello world, the time is 02:07 PM

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