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A.4.4 Syntax Checking

FlyMake is Emacs’s solution to on-the-fly syntax checking.


Doug MacEachern wrote goflymake, which consists of a small Go binary and some elisp to integrate it with Emacs. Because Go compiles blazingly fast, using goflymake doesn’t cause any performance penalties. Personally I am letting FlyMake compile my Go buffers every time I insert a newline. More conservative settings would compile after a certain amount of idle time, or when saving the buffer.


a more lightweight solution that only uses gofmt and as such is only able to catch syntax errors. Unlike goflymake, however, it does not require an additional executable.


a modern replacement for flymake, which comes with built-in support for Go. In addition to using go build or gofmt, it also has support for go vet, golint and errcheck.